Garrett Simmons, Amida care
Dawn Trotter, Evergreen
liam bohan, Westchester Medical Center
Kayla Eberth, Ivy Clinic-Arnot Health
Justin LiGreci, AIDS Institute

The New York State Certified Peer Worker (CPW) program grew out of the ETE Blueprint and began in 2015. Eight years later, a panel of certified peer workers, supervisors and people now seeking certification will have a conversation about the importance of certification, the value of peer work, and personal successes and challenges of doing the work. Results of the 2023 CPW survey will be discussed, and the panel will share a vision for the future of the CPW program and peer workers in New York State.
Presenters: Liam Bohan; Maria Cruz; Kayla Eberth; and Garrett Simmons
Moderators: Dawn Trotter, Evergreen Health, and Justin LiGreci, AIDS Institute
Download this CPW CEU tracking form to use during the event! Return completed forms to no later than December 20, 2023.
55 Eagle St
Albany, NY 12207
United States