Carole Eady
2024 PrEP Ambassador
Speaker Bio
Carole Eady-Porcher is a formerly incarcerated woman who helped to get the New York State Anti-Shackling Act and the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) Expanded Discretionary revisions passed. She is a member of the Women’s Community Justice Association’s (WCJA) Justice for Women Task Force, where the focus of their Beyond Rosie’s Campaign is to close the Rose M. Singer Center on Rikers Island, provide innovative measures for the decarcerating of these populations, and help create a trauma-informed justice system for women in New York City. Carole serves on the board of directors of WCJA and the Center for Community Alternatives. She is the recipient of many awards and honors, including Citizens Against Recidivism’s Advocate of the Year Award. Her anthologies have been published in the books My Sister’s Keeper and Interrupted Life; Carole published her own article, One Mother’s Experience, with the ASFA in the Women’s Rights Law Reporter journal (Rucker’s College). Carole is an advocate who prefers to be “down in the trenches”. Her philosophy is, “We illustrate our gratitude through service."
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