Panel 2: Extending Safety Net Cover to the Hard-to-Reach
Date & Time
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
Andrew Barrett Christina Nieves Sarah Merrick Michael J. Wilson

Benefit programs are one of the best ways to lift families out of poverty. Yet, many low-income individuals do not meet the eligibility requirements, and even those that do may not participate because of stigma. This panel will explore strategies to extend benefits coverage to individuals who have not traditionally participated, like undocumented individuals and older adults. It will also discuss a New York-based pilot that aims to break the generational cycle of poverty, by providing wrap-around safety net support to individuals whose families have participated in such programs for at least two generations. 


  • Andrew Barrett, Program Officer, NYHealth 


  • Michael J. Wilson, Deputy Commissioner for Social Services, New Jersey
  • Christina Nieves, Senior Director for Research and Evaluation, Bureau of Harlem Neighborhood Health, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
  • Sarah Merrick, Commissioner, Onondaga County Department of Social Services – Economic Security

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