Pauline Hoffmann
Job Title
Senior Public Health Fellow
Cattaraugus County Health Department
Speaker Bio
Pauline W. Hoffmann, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Jandoli School of Communication, a New York State Senior Public Health Fellow with the Cattaraugus County Health Department, a Richard P. Nathan Public Policy Fellow with the Rockefeller Institute of Government, and an entrepreneur. She is the owner of “Data Doyenne,” a LinkedIn newsletter, and podcast titled “WTF? (What the Facts?)” which delves into the infodemic. She received her Doctorate and Master degrees in Communication from the State University of New York at Buffalo and her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from St. Bonaventure University. Additionally, she completed the World Health Organization’s Infodemic Manager Training Program. Her research and teaching focus on infodemics, conflict management, conflict resolution, and corporate communication and strategy. Prior to going into academia, Dr. Hoffmann worked in creative services for Catholic Health. She also recently served as the Dean of the Jandoli School of Communication and Graduate Studies at St. Bonaventure University. She is the author of Fake News, Witch Hunts and Conspiracy Theories, an Infodemiologist's Guide to the Truth (available May 2024). Her role as a Senior Health Fellow includes strategic planning, communication planning, and implementation.
Pauline Hoffmann