Keshana Owens-Cody
Job Title
Workforce Director
Health Research Inc.
Speaker Bio
Keshana Owens-Cody is the Workforce Director for the Office of Public Health. Keshana manages the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG) for the Office of Public Health that invests in recruitment, retention, training and development, improves organizational systems and processes for the public health workforce (incl. Local Health Departments) and modernizes the Departments data infrastructure. Prior to this role, Keshana was the Director, Bureau of Health Equity and Community Engagement in the Division of Family Health and managed the CDC COVID-19 Health Disparities grant. This grant created funding opportunities that deployed COVID-19 Health Literacy through community based organizations that are trusted by their communities. Through her leadership, the Bureau created an equitable request for proposal and award process that got funding to organizations that could reach populations facing insurmountable disparities throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Keshana has been with the Department since 2022 and has 10+ years subcontractor experience through previous employers engaged in NYS Department of Health Initiatives.